Anniversary Verses

Wishing You Blessings
On Your Anniversary


To everyone your lives have touched
in such a loving way.

Happy Anniversary
With Love


With many special thoughts of you and prayers
that God will bless your anniversary
and your year with every happiness.

God Bless You Both


Wishing you the very best,
A wonderful day
Good health, good cheer,
good luck, good friends,
And happiness that never ends!
Happy Anniversary


Wishing you all the joys and
special blessings of God's love.
Happy Anniversary


An Anniversary
wish for two happy people...
...sharing one happy life.
Happiness Always!


May memories of all you've shared
be in your hearts today,
And may they fill the coming years
with love that's there to stay
Happy Anniversary


For a Special Couple...
May all the happiness you've known
through years that now have passed...
Continue through the years ahead --
each happier than the last!
Happy Anniversary


Precious things are very few
That's why there's just one "two of you!"
Happy Anniversary

The best is yet come.
Best Wishes on Your Anniversary


It's a special time for sharing
warmest thoughts and wishes
Happy Anniversary


You both deserve much happiness
So stop and celebrate!


Wishing You Blessings
on Your Anniversary...
...for an anniversary
filled with
cherished memories
and deep happiness...
May His light shine down
upon you now to bless
this special day.


May your special day be filled
with all the joys of friendship,
laughter and love.
Happy Anniversary


Love touches two lives so sweetly,
warms them with a gentle joy...
makes them one completely.
Happy Anniversary 


The special joys of sharing life together...
May these be yours today and everyday.
Happy Anniversary


A good marriage doesn't just happen. 
It is made out of wisdom and compromise, 
sharing and caring. 
Happy Anniversary


Wishing you more happy years to share as
husband and wife, with special
dreams and memories to cherish
all of your life.
Happy Anniversary


You're living proof that dreams come true...
Hope today is special for both of you!
Have a wonderful Anniversary


God gave you two a special love to share...
because He knew how much you would cherish it.
Happy Anniversary


Music is love in search of a word
You make such beautiful music together.

Happy Anniversary


It's such a joy
to know
two people
so much in love.

Happy Anniversary


Joining with you
in celebrating
another year in love

Happy Anniversary


Happy Anniversary a couple who
really takes romance
to heart.

Have A Wonderful Day


Why even think about
a second honeymoon...
...when there's no evidence
that you two have even
finished your first!

Happy Anniversary


An anniversary is a time
to celebrate the joys of today,
the memories of yesterday
and the hopes of tomorrow.

Happy Anniversary


Your anniversary is a special
day when time stands still,
when the past and the present
blend in your memories,
touch your dreams, and love's
sweet beginning has no end...

Have A Wonderful Day


You pledged to share your
life and love forever, you
joined your hearts for all
eternity...As you recall
your years together
remember that the best
is yet to come!

Happy Anniversary


Two people...
One love...
One life...!

Happy Anniversary


One love that
is shared
by two!

Happy Anniversary


Love is two people joined as one,
taking each day as it comes.

Happy Anniversary


May you continue to grow and love each
other throughout your lives.

Happy Anniversary
